



乾電池 - Wikipedia



Dry cell - Wikipedia

In 1886, Carl Gassner obtained a German patent (No. 37,758) on a variant of the Leclanché cell, which came to be known as the dry cell because it did not have a free liquid electrolyte. Instead, the ammonium chloride was mixed with Plaster of Paristo create a paste, with a small amount of zinc chloride added in to extend the shelf life. The manganese dioxide cathode was dipped in this paste, and both were sealed in a zinc shell, which also acted as the anode. In November 1887, he obtained U.S. Patent 373,064 for the same device.[2] 



屋井先蔵 - Wikipedia

  1. 発明にしたにもかかわらず、貧乏のため乾電池の特許を取得はできなかった(当時の特許取得料金は高額だった)。また、乾電池を発売した当初、大半の世論は「乾電池などという怪しいものが正確に動くはずがない」というもので、先蔵の乾電池は全く売れなかった。さらに持病の為に寝込む日が続き生活は貧窮を極めた。さらに、先蔵の乾電池の価値を知った外国人が万博にて自分が発明したものだと主張したため、しばらく時間が経つまで世界で最初に乾電池を発明したのが先蔵であると認知されなかった。




電池の発明は、1800年にイタリア人ボルタによる電池を初めとし、日本へは、安政元年(1854)ペリーにより将軍への献上品の一つとしてもたらされました。その後1868年、フランス人ルクランシェが塩化アンモニウム溶液、二酸化マンガン亜鉛からなる電池を開発しました。しかしこれは、溶解液がこぼれるなど実用には向かず、1888年、ドイツ人ガスナー等が液のこぼれない電池、いわゆる乾電池を発明しました。しかし、ガスナー達に先立つこと一年前の明治20年(1887)、屋井先蔵(やいさきぞう) (1863―1927)は「屋井乾電池」を発明していました。




History of the battery - Wikipedia

In 1886, Carl Gassner obtained a German patent[23] on a variant of the Leclanché cell, which came to be known as the dry cellbecause it did not have a free liquid electrolyte. Instead, the ammonium chloride was mixed with Plaster of Paris to create a paste, with a small amount of zinc chloride added in to extend the shelf life. The manganese dioxide cathode was dipped in this paste, and both were sealed in a zinc shell, which also acted as the anode. In November 1887, he obtained U.S. Patent 373,064 for the same device.

Unlike previous wet cells, Gassner's dry cell was more solid, did not require maintenance, did not spill, and could be used in any orientation. It provided a potential of 1.5 volts. The first mass-produced model was the Columbia dry cell, first marketed by the National Carbon Company in 1896.[24] The NCC improved Gassner's model by replacing the plaster of Paris with coiled cardboard, an innovation that left more space for the cathode and made the battery easier to assemble. It was the first convenient battery for the masses and made portable electrical devices practical, and led directly to the invention of theflashlight.

The zinc–carbon battery (as it came to be known) is still manufactured today.

In parallel, in 1887 Wilhelm Hellesen developed his own dry cell design. It has been claimed that Hellesen's design preceded that of Gassner.[25]

In 1887, a dry-battery was developed by Yai Sakizō (屋井 先蔵) of Japan, then patented in 1892.[26][27] In 1893, Yai Sakizō's dry-battery was exhibited in World's Columbian Exposition and commanded considerable international attention.



Patent US373064 - Gael gassier - Google Patents



OCRでは読み取れてないが画像をみるとたしかに、Patented in Germany April 8,1886, No.37,758 とある。


